********************************************************************** EASYCHAIR REVIEW SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Please go to the Easychair site at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ipicra13 and log on using your login and password. Once logged into the system, click on "Reviews" and select "My papers". After you click on "My papers," the list of papers assigned to you will appear, with the following symbols on the screen: "blue i" stands for: View paper details and information "yellow folder" stands for: Download this paper "green (+) sign" stands for: add new review (click here to enter your review online) Please download and read the papers assigned to you. When you are ready to write your reviews, we suggest that you do the following: 1) To submit your review, log on to the system and select "My papers." Click on the "green (+) sign" button. This will take you to the review form for each paper. First, rate each paper based on the criteria listed at the top of the page by clicking the appropriate radio button in the point scale for each. Then, enter your responses to the following questions in the "Review" form text box. 2) Please ENSURE THAT THE FIRST REVIEW YOU ENTER FOR YOUR ASSIGNED PAPERS IS A VALID REVIEW, NOT A DRAFT and that the scores you give to the paper are the intended scores. We recommend that you write your review offline, either using the downloadable review form or a plain text version of the main part of your review, in order to ensure its accuracy when you are ready to enter it onto the site. If you revise a review and change the scores, we recommend to add a note for PC members explaining the reason for changing the scores. 3) Offline Review Form: Note that there is also a mechanism under "Reviews" to download an off-line review form in EasyChair if you would like to write all portions of your review form offline. For your convenience, this form can be processed by EasyChair automatically. You can fill out this form offline and then upload it to EasyChair. Several review forms can be uploaded simultaneously. You can modify your reviews as many times as you want. *When filling out the review form please bear in mind the following rules: (1) Lines beginning with --- are comments. EasyChair will ignore them. Do not start lines in your review with --- as they will be ignored. You can add comments to the review form or remove them (2) Lines beginning with *** are used by EasyChair. Do not remove or modify these lines or the review will become unusable and will be rejected by EasyChair 4) Be absolutely certain to PRESS THE 'SUBMIT REVIEW' BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THE REVIEW FORM. IF YOU DO NOT PRESS THIS BUTTON, YOUR REVIEW WILL NOT BE RECORDED. (To avoid losing your reviews, we encourage you to write your reviews off-line before entering them into the site.) PC members initial reviews must be submitted to the EasyChair site no later than March 4, and final reviews are due by March 19.