echo "This script aligns the model bottle.xyz to the bottle of tabletop.xyz."
nuklei pe -c 2 data/bottle.xyz data/tabletop.xyz --aligned /tmp/aligned-bottle.txt
nuklei conv -w txt --remove_normals /tmp/aligned-bottle.txt data/tabletop.xyz /tmp/tabletop+bottle.xyz
if hash meshlab 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Displaying the bottle model aligned to the tabletop bottle."
meshlab /tmp/tabletop+bottle.xyz
echo "Install Meshlab to view the bottle model aligned to the tabletop bottle."
© Copyright 2007-2013 Renaud Detry.
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
(See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.)
Revised Sun Sep 13 2020 19:10:06.