Robot AI

Robot AI (H0O21A) is a an elective course in KU Leuven's Master of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence. Coming in spring 2026!

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Robot AI (H0O21A) is a an elective course in KU Leuven's Master of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence. Coming in spring 2026!

If first html tag is indented, and this include is called after a list, the html tag is considered a list element, and things go wrong. Leaving a hidden unindented line here
Syllabus H0O21A
Schedule tbd
Location Lectures take place in the ESAT Building. Consult the official schedule before each lecture.


  • 2024-10-23: Due to internal miscommunication, this page and the syllabus orignally mistakenly announced that this course would begin in spring 2025, while it will in fact begin in spring 2026. Apologies for the confusion.



I strongly recommend following H09J2A Image Analysis and Understanding beforehand or in parallel. Robot AI only requires some of the concepts studied in H09J2A, and therefore I am not making it a strict prerequisite. Students who aren’t following H09J2A and have no computer vision experience are welcome to attend Robot AI, but they need to take responsibility for self-studying elements of computer vision when necessary. Someone who has never studied computer vision will need to put in significantly more than 4 ECTS worth of effort to achieve the same grade as those with prior computer vision experience.


Course Material
