
Many of these publications are copyrighted by their respective publishers. Downloadable versions are not necessarily identical to the published versions. They are made available here for personal use only.

  1. Song-2024-CoRL-0.jpg
    Implicit Grasp Diffusion: Bridging the Gap between Dense Prediction and Sampling-based Grasping.
    Pinhao Song, Pengteng Li, and Renaud Detry.
    In Conference on Robot Learning, 2024.
  2. Song-2024-ICRA-0.jpg
    Robot Trajectron: Trajectory Prediction-based Shared Control for Robot Manipulation.
    Pinhao Song, Pengteng Li, Erwin Aertbelien, and Renaud Detry.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2024.
  3. Inproceedings
    Skill-based Layered Control Architecture for the Robotic Manipulation of Amorphous Materials.
    Louis Hanut, Yurui Du, Renaud Detry, and Herman Bruyninckx.
    In 43rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 2024.
  4. Legrand-2023-AI4Space-0.jpg
    End-to-end Neural Estimation of Spacecraft Pose with Intermediate Detection of Keypoints.
    Antoine Legrand, Renaud Detry, and Christophe De Vleeschouwer.
    In Computer Vision – ECCV 2022 Workshops, 2023 (Best presentation award).
  5. Bowkett-2022-FR-0.jpg
    Grasping and Transport of Unstructured Collections of Massive Objects.
    Joseph Bowkett, Sisir Karumanchi, and Renaud Detry.
    Field Robotics, 2022.
  6. Kessens-2022-FR-0.jpg
    Human-Scale Mobile Manipulation Using RoMan.
    Chad C. Kessens, Matthew Kaplan, Trevor Rocks, Philip R. Osteen, John Rogers, Ethan Stump, Arnon Hurwitz, Jonathan Fink, Long Quang, Mark Gonzalez, Jaymit Patel, Michael DiBlasi, Shiyani Patel, Matthew Weiker, Dilip Patel, Joseph Bowkett, Renaud Detry, Sisir Karumanchi, Larry Matthies, Joel Burdick, Yash Oza, Aditya Agarwal, Andrew Dornbush, Dhruv Mauria Saxena, Maxim Likhachev, Karl Schmeckpeper, Kostas Daniilidis, Ajinkya Kamat, Aditya Mandalika, Sanjiban Choudhury, and Siddhartha S. Srinivasa.
    Field Robotics, 2022.
  7. Editorial: Robotic In-Situ Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing.
    Craig R. Carignan, Renaud Detry, Mini Chakravarthini Saaj, Giacomo Marani, and Joshua D. Vander Hook.
    Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2022.
  8. Alvarez-ASTRA-2022-0.jpg
    Sample-Tube Pose Estimation Based on Two- Stage Approach for Fetching on Mars Surface.
    Israel Raul Tiñini Alvarez, Ignacio Perez, Tim Wiese, Laura Bielenberg, and Renaud Detry.
    In 16th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, 2022.
  9. Daftry-2021-AEROCONF-0.jpg
    Machine Vision based Sample-Tube Localization for Mars Sample Return.
    Shreyansh Daftry, Barry Ridge, William Seto, Tu-Hoa Pham, Peter Ilhardt, Gerard Maggiolino, Mark Merwe, Alex Brinkman, John Mayo, Eric Kulczyski, and Renaud Detry.
    In IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2021.
  10. Pham-2021-RAL-paper.jpg
    Rover Relocalization for Mars Sample Return by Virtual Template Synthesis and Matching.
    Tu-Hoa Pham, William Seto, Shreyansh Daftry, Barry Ridge, Johanna Hansen, Tristan Thrush, Mark Van Merwe, Gerard Maggiolino, Alexander Brinkman, John Mayo, Yang Cheng, Curtis Padgett, Eric Kulczycki, and Renaud Detry.
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021.
  11. Assistive Relative Pose Estimation for On-orbit Assembly using Convolutional Neural Networks.
    Shubham Sonawani, Ryan Alimo, Renuad Detry, Daniel Jeong, Andrew Hess, and Heni Ben Amor.
    In AIAA SciTech Forum, 2020.
  12. Sonawani-2020-ICRAW-0.jpg
    Robotic In-Space Assembly with Arm-Augmented Cubesats.
    S. Sonawani, S. Kailas, R. Detry, R. Alimo, S. Backus, R. McCormick, R. Mukherjee, K. Wehage, and H. Ben Amor.
    In Opportunities and Challenges in Space Robotics (Workshop at ICRA 2020), 2020 (Best Poster Award).
  13. Investigating Habitability with an Integrated Rock-Climbing Robot and Astrobiology Instrument Suite.
    Kyle Uckert, Aaron Parness, Nancy Chanover, Evan J. Eshelman, Neil Abcouwer, Jeremy Nash, Renaud Detry, Christine Fuller, David Voelz, Robert Hull, David Flannery, Rohit Bhartia, Kenneth S. Manatt, William J. Abbey, and Penelope Boston.
    Astrobiology, 2020.
  14. Pham-2020-AEROCONF-0.jpg
    Rover Localization for Tube Pickup: Dataset, Methods and Validation for Mars Sample Return Planning.
    Tu-Hoa Pham, William Seto, Shreyansh Daftry, Alexander Brinkman, John Mayo, Yang Cheng, Curtis Padgett, Eric Kulczycki, and Renaud Detry.
    In IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2020.
  15. Wu-2019-URP-0.jpg
    Reduced Backscatter for 3D Scene Reconstruction for Turbid Underwater Environments.
    Philipp Wu, Justin Koch, Torkom Pailevanian, Michael Garrett, Dan Levine, Christopher Yahnker, Matthew Gildner, Jeremy Nash, and Renaud Detry.
    In Underwater Robotics Perception (ICRA 2019 Workshop), 2019.
  16. Hjelm-2019-ARXIV-0.jpg
    Invariant Feature Mappings for Generalizing Affordance Understanding Using Regularized Metric Learning.
    Martin Hjelm, Carl Henrik Ek, Renaud Detry, and Danica Kragic.
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10673, 2019.
  17. Neuromorphic tactile sensor array based on fiber Bragg gratings to encode object qualities.
    Sahana Prasanna, Luca Massari, Edoardo Sinibaldi, Renaud Detry, Joseph Bowkett, Kalind Carpenter, and Calogero Maria Oddo.
    In SPIE Optics + Photonics, 2019.
  18. Tactile Sensing and Control of Robotic Manipulator Integrating Fiber Bragg Grating Strain-Sensor.
    Luca Massari, Calogero M. Oddo, Edoardo Sinibaldi, Renaud Detry, Joseph Bowkett, and Kalind C. Carpenter.
    Frontiers In Neurorobotics, 2019.
  19. Detry-2018-Oceans-0.jpg
    Turbid-water Subsea Infrastructure 3D Reconstruction with Assisted Stereo.
    R. Detry, J. Koch, T. Pailevanian, M. Garrett, D. Levine, C. Yahnker, and M. Gildner.
    In MTS/IEEE OCEANS, 2018.
  20. An Investigation of a Terrestrial Lava Tube with an Instrument Payload Integrated with the LEMUR Rock-Climbing Robot.
    K Uckert, A Parness, N Chanover, D Voelz, PJ Boston, R Bhartia, D Flannery, N Abcouwer, C Fuller, J Nash, A Curtis, R Detry, and R Hull.
    In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018.
  21. Bowkett-2018-RCW-0.jpg
    Semantic Understanding of Task Outcomes: Visually Identifying Failure Modes Autonomously Discovered in Simulation.
    Joseph Bowkett, Joel Burdick, Larry Matthies, and Renaud Detry.
    In Representing a Complex World: Perception, Inference, and Learning for Joint Semantic, Geometric, and Physical Understanding (ICRA 2018 Workshop), 2018.
  22. Exploring Underwater Vent Systems: New Technologies and Strategies to Advance Life Detection and Scientific Understanding of Ocean Worlds.
    Pablo Sobron, Laura M Barge, Jan Amend, Justin Burnett, Renaud Detry, Ivria Doloboff, Deborah S Kelley, Aaron Marburg, Anupam K Misra, Anuscheh Nawaz, and others.
    In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018.
  23. Incollection
    Enceladus Vent Explorer Concept.
    Masahiro Ono, Karl Mitchel, Aaron Parness, Kalind Carpenter, Saverio Iacoponi, Ellie Simonson, Aaron Curtis, Mitch Ingham, Charles Budney, Tara Estlin, Carolyn Parcheta, Renaud Detry, Jeremy Nash, Jean-Pierre Croix, Jessie Kawata, and Kevin Hand.
    In Outer Solar System: Prospective Energy and Material Resources, 2018.
  24. Guest Editorial Open Discussion of Robot Grasping Benchmarks, Protocols, and Metrics.
    J. Mahler, R. Platt, A. Rodriguez, M. Ciocarlie, A. Dollar, R. Detry, M. A. Roa, H. Yanco, A. Norton, J. Falco, K. Wyk, E. Messina, J. Leitner, D. Morrison, M. Mason, O. Brock, L. Odhner, A. Kurenkov, M. Matl, and K. Goldberg.
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Oct 2018.
  25. Lee-2018-AEROCONF-0.jpg
    Monocular Visual Pose Estimation via Online Sampling for Mars Sample-Tube Pickup.
    Bhoram Lee, Renaud Detry, Jasmine Moreno, Daniel D. Lee, and Eric Kulczycki.
    In IEEE Aerospace Conference, Oct 2018.
  26. Koch-2018-Oceans-0.jpg
    Development of a Robotic Limb for Underwater Mobile Manipulation.
    Justin Koch, Torkom Pailevanian, Michael Garrett, Christopher Yahnker, Renaud Detry, Dan Levine, and Matthew Gildner.
    In MTS/IEEE OCEANS, Oct 2018.
  27. Zhang-RSSW-2018-0.jpg
    Tactile-Visual Integration for Task-Aware Grasping.
    Mabel Zhang, Andreas Pas, Renaud Detry, and Kostas Daniilidis.
    In RSS Pioneers (RSS 2018 Workshop), Oct 2018.
  28. Detry-2017-SSR-0.jpg
    Semantic and Geometric Scene Understanding for Single-view Task-oriented Grasping of Novel Objects.
    Renaud Detry, Jeremie Papon, and Larry Matthies.
    In Workshop on Spatial-Semantic Representations in Robotics (RSS 2017 Workshop), Oct 2017.
  29. Detry-2017-LECOM-Grasp-0.jpg
    Learning to Grasp with a Deep Network for 2D Context and Geometric Prototypes for 3D Structure.
    Renaud Detry, Jeremie Papon, and Larry Matthies.
    In Learning and control for autonomous manipulation systems: the role of dimensionality reduction (ICRA 2017 Workshop), Oct 2017.
  30. Detry-2017-LECOM-Task-0.jpg
    Semantic and Geometric Scene Understanding for Task-oriented Grasping of Novel Objects from a Single View.
    Renaud Detry, Jeremie Papon, and Larry Matthies.
    In Learning and control for autonomous manipulation systems: the role of dimensionality reduction (ICRA 2017 Workshop), Oct 2017.
  31. Detry-2017-IROS-0.jpg
    Task-oriented Grasping with Semantic and Geometric Scene Understanding.
    Renaud Detry, Jeremie Papon, and Larry Matthies.
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2017 (Best Paper Award in Cognitive Robotics).
  32. Estimating tactile data for adaptive grasping of novel objects.
    Emil Hyttinen, Danica Kragic, and Renaud Detry.
    In IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Oct 2017.
  33. Papon-2017-AEROCONF-0.jpg
    Martian Fetch: Finding and Retrieving Sample-Tubes on the Surface of Mars.
    Jeremie Papon, Renaud Detry, Peter Vieira, Sawyer Brooks, Thirupathi Srinivasan, Ariel Peterson, and Eric Kulczycki.
    In IEEE Aerospace Conference, Oct 2017.
  34. Zhang-RSSW-2017-0.jpg
    Tactile-Vision Integration for Task-Compatible Fine-Part Manipulation.
    Mabel Zhang, Renaud Detry, Larry Matthies, and Kostas Daniilidis.
    In Revisiting Contact – Turning a problem into a solution (RSS 2017 Workshop), Oct 2017.
  35. Probabilistic consolidation of grasp experience.
    Yasemin Bekiroglu, Andreas Damianou, Renaud Detry, Johannes A Stork, Danica Kragic, and Carl Henrik Ek.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2016.
  36. Kopicki-2015-IJRR-0.jpg
    One shot learning and generation of dexterous grasps for novel objects.
    Marek Kopicki, Renaud Detry, Maxime Adjigble, Rustam Stolkin, Ales Leonardis, and Jeremy Wyatt.
    International Journal of Robotics Research, Oct 2015.
  37. ICCV
    Learning Human Priors for Task-Constrained Grasping.
    Martin Hjelm, Carl Henrik Ek, Renaud Detry, and Danica Kragic.
    In International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Oct 2015.
  38. Hyttinen-2015-ICRA-0.jpg
    Learning the Tactile Signatures of Prototypical Object Parts for Robust Part-based Grasping of Novel Objects.
    Emil Hyttinen, Danica Kragic, and Renaud Detry.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2015.
  39. Cognitive Robotics Systems.
    Lazaros Nalpantidis, Renaud Detry, Dima Damen, Gabriele Bleser, Maya Cakmak, and Mustafa Suphi Erden.
    Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Oct 2015.
  40. Kleinhans-2015-HGM-paper.jpg
    G3DB: A Database of Successful and Failed Grasps with RGB-D Images, Point Clouds, Mesh Models and Gripper Parameters.
    Ashley Kleinhans, Benjamin Rosman, Michael Michalik, Bryan Tripp, and Renaud Detry.
    In Robotic Hands, Grasping and Manipulation (ICRA 2015 workshop), Oct 2015.
  41. Inproceedings
    A vision-based autonomous inter-row weeder.
    Sruthi Moorthy Parvathi Krishna Moorthy, Renaud Detry, Bernard Boigelot, and Benoît Mercatoris.
    In ENVITAM PhD Student Day, Oct 2014.
  42. Kleinhans-2014-WOA-0.jpg
    Modelling primate control of grasping for robotics applications.
    Ashley Kleinhans, Serge Thill, Benjamin Rosman, Renaud Detry, and Bryan Tripp.
    In Second Workshop on Affordances: Visual Perception of Affordances and Functional Visual Primitives for Scene Analysis (in conjunction with ECCV 2014), Oct 2014.
  43. Kopicki-2014-ICRA-0.jpg
    Learning Dexterous Grasps That Generalise To Novel Objects By Combining Hand And Contact Models.
    Marek Kopicki, Renaud Detry, Florian Schmidt, Christoph Borst, Rustam Stolkin, and Jeremy L. Wyatt.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2014.
  44. Representations for Cross-task, Cross-object Grasp Transfer.
    Martin Hjelm, Renaud Detry, Carl Henrik Ek, and Danica Kragic.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2014.
  45. Sparse Summarization of Robotic Grasping Data.
    Martin Hjelm, Carl Henrik Ek, Renaud Detry, Hedvig Kjellström, and Danica Kragic.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2013.
  46. Detry-2013-ICRA-0.jpg
    Learning a Dictionary of Prototypical Grasp-predicting Parts from Grasping Experience.
    Renaud Detry, Carl Henrik Ek, Marianna Madry, and Danica Kragic.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2013.
  47. Rietzler-2013-CRS-0.jpg
    Inertially-safe Grasping of Novel Objects.
    Alexander Rietzler, Renaud Detry, Marek Kopicki, Jeremy L. Wyatt, and Justus Piater.
    In Cognitive Robotics Systems: Replicating Human Actions and Activities (Workshop at IROS 2013), Oct 2013.
  48. Detry-2013-IROS-0.jpg
    Unsupervised Learning Of Predictive Parts For Cross-object Grasp Transfer.
    Renaud Detry, and Justus Piater.
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2013 (Finalist for the Best Cognitive Robotics Paper award).
  49. Detry-2013-ALW-0.jpg
    Generalizing Task Parameters Through Modularization.
    Renaud Detry, Martin Hjelm, Carl Henrik Ek, and Danica Kragic.
    In Autonomous Learning Workshop (Workshop at ICRA 2013), Oct 2013.
  50. Grasp Stability from Vision and Touch.
    Yasemin Bekiroglu, Renaud Detry, and Danica Kragic.
    In Advances in Tactile Sensing and Touch-based Human Robot Interaction (Workshop at IROS 2012), Oct 2012.
  51. Madry-2012-IROS-0.jpg
    Improving Generalization for 3D Object Categorization with Global Structure Histograms.
    Marianna Madry, Carl Henrik Ek, Renaud Detry, Kaiyu Hang, and Danica Kragic.
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2012 (Finalist for the Best Cognitive Robotics Paper award).
  52. Detry-2012-HFR-0.jpg
    Compressing Grasping Experience into a Dictionary of Prototypical Grasp-predicting Parts.
    Renaud Detry, Carl Henrik Ek, Marianna Madry, and Danica Kragic.
    In International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics, Oct 2012.
  53. Detry-2012-ICRA-0.jpg
    Generalizing Grasps Across Partly Similar Objects.
    Renaud Detry, Carl Henrik Ek, Marianna Madry, Justus Piater, and Danica Kragic.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2012.
  54. Detry-2011-PJBR-0.jpg
    Learning Grasp Affordance Densities.
    R. Detry, D. Kraft, O. Kroemer, L. Bodenhagen, J. Peters, N. Krüger, and J. Piater.
    Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Oct 2011.
  55. Piater-2011-IJRR-0.jpg
    Learning Visual Representations for Perception-Action Systems.
    Justus Piater, Sébastien Jodogne, Renaud Detry, Dirk Kraft, Norbert Krüger, Oliver Kroemer, and Jan Peters.
    International Journal of Robotics Research, Oct 2011.
  56. Detry-2011-ARW-paper.jpg
    Grasp Generalization Via Predictive Parts.
    Renaud Detry, and Justus Piater.
    In Austrian Robotics Workshop, Oct 2011.
  57. Bekiroglu-2011-IROS-0.jpg
    Learning Tactile Characterizations Of Object- And Pose-specific Grasps.
    Yasemin Bekiroglu, Renaud Detry, and Danica Kragic.
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2011.
  58. Bodenhagen-2011-ICDL-0.jpg
    What a successful grasp tells about the success chances of grasps in its vicinity.
    Leon Bodenhagen, Renaud Detry, Justus Piater, and Norbert Krüger.
    In ICDL-EpiRob, Oct 2011.
  59. Bekiroglu-2011-MUU-0.jpg
    Joint Observation of Object Pose and Tactile Imprints for Online Grasp Stability Assessment.
    Yasemin Bekiroglu, Renaud Detry, and Danica Kragic.
    In Manipulation Under Uncertainty (Workshop at IEEE ICRA 2011), Oct 2011.
  60. Detry-2010-ACCV-0.jpg
    Continuous Surface-point Distributions for 3D Object Pose Estimation and Recognition.
    Renaud Detry, and Justus Piater.
    In Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Oct 2010.
  61. Kroemer-2010-RAS-0.jpg
    Combining Active Learning and Reactive Control for Robot Grasping.
    Oliver Kroemer, Renaud Detry, Justus Piater, and Jan Peters.
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Oct 2010.
  62. Detry-2010-PhD-0.jpg
    Learning of Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Modal Features for Robotic Grasping.
    Renaud Detry.
    University of Liège, Oct 2010.
  63. Detry-2010-RL-0.jpg
    Learning Continuous Grasp Affordances by Sensorimotor Exploration.
    Renaud Detry, Emre Başeski, Mila Popović, Younes Touati, Norbert Krüger, Oliver Kroemer, Jan Peters, and Justus Piater.
    In From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots, Oct 2010.
  64. Kroemer-2010-SAB-0.jpg
    Adapting Preshaped Grasping Movements using Vision Descriptors.
    Oliver Kroemer, Renaud Detry, Justus Piater, and Jan Peters.
    In From Animals to Animats 11 – International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Oct 2010.
  65. Kraft-2010-TAMD-0.jpg
    Development of Object and Grasping Knowledge by Robot Exploration.
    Dirk Kraft, Renaud Detry, Nicolas Pugeault, Emre Başeski, Frank Guerin, Justus Piater, and Norbert Krüger.
    IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, Oct 2010.
  66. Erkan-2010-IROS-0.jpg
    Learning Probabilistic Discriminative Models of Grasp Affordances under Limited Supervision.
    Ayse Erkan, Oliver Kroemer, Renaud Detry, Yasemin Altun, Justus Piater, and Jan Peters.
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2010.
  67. Kroemer-2010-ICINCO-0.jpg
    Grasping with Vision Descriptors and Motor Primitives..
    Oliver Kroemer, Renaud Detry, Justus Piater, and Jan Peters.
    In International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Oct 2010 (Best Paper Award in Robotics and Automation).
  68. Detry-2010-ICRA-0.jpg
    Refining Grasp Affordance Models by Experience.
    Renaud Detry, Dirk Kraft, Anders Glent Buch, Norbert Krüger, and Justus Piater.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2010.
  69. Kroemer-2009-IROS-0.jpg
    Active Learning using Mean Shift Optimization for Robot Grasping.
    Oliver Kroemer, Renaud Detry, Justus Piater, and Jan Peters.
    In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2009.
  70. Detry-2009-ICDL-0.jpg
    Learning Object-specific Grasp Affordance Densities.
    Renaud Detry, Emre Başeski, Norbert Krüger, Mila Popović, Younes Touati, Oliver Kroemer, Jan Peters, and Justus Piater.
    In IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, Oct 2009.
  71. Piater-2009-ISRR-0.jpg
    Learning Visual Representations for Interactive Systems.
    Justus Piater, Sébastien Jodogne, Renaud Detry, Dirk Kraft, Norbert Krüger, Oliver Kroemer, and Jan Peters.
    In International Symposium on Robotics Research, Oct 2009.
  72. Detry-2009-SLHR-0.jpg
    Autonomous Learning of Object-specific Grasp Affordance Densities.
    Renaud Detry, Emre Başeski, Norbert Krüger, Mila Popović, Younes Touati, and Justus Piater.
    In Approaches to Sensorimotor Learning on Humanoid Robots (Workshop at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation), Oct 2009.
  73. Detry-2009-PAMI-0.jpg
    A Probabilistic Framework for 3D Visual Object Representation.
    Renaud Detry, Nicolas Pugeault, and Justus Piater.
    IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., Oct 2009.
  74. Kraft-2009-ICVS-0.jpg
    Learning Objects and Grasp Affordances through Autonomous Exploration.
    Dirk Kraft, Renaud Detry, Nicolas Pugeault, Emre Başeski, Justus Piater, and Norbert Krüger.
    In International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Oct 2009.
  75. Detry-2008-ICVW-0.jpg
    Probabilistic Pose Recovery Using Learned Hierarchical Object Models.
    Renaud Detry, Nicolas Pugeault, and Justus H. Piater.
    In International Cognitive Vision Workshop (Workshop at the 6th International Conference on Vision Systems), Oct 2008.
  76. Piater-2008-RCML-0.jpg
    3D Probabilistic Representations for Vision and Action.
    Justus Piater, and Renaud Detry.
    In Robotics Challenges for Machine Learning II (Workshop at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), Oct 2008.
  77. Kraft-2008-CogSys-0.jpg
    Exploration and Planning in a Three-Level Cognitive Architecture.
    D. Kraft, E. Başeski, M. Popović, A. M. Batog, A. Kjær-Nielsen, N. Krüger, R. Petrick, C. Geib, N. Pugeault, M. Steedman, T. Asfour, R. Dillmann, S. Kalkan, F. Wörgötter, B. Hommel, R. Detry, and J. Piater.
    In International Conference on Cognitive Systems (Workshop at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation), Oct 2008.
  78. Piater-2008-ICCNS-paper.jpg
    Vision as Inference in a Hierarchical Markov Network.
    Justus Piater, Fabien Scalzo, and Renaud Detry.
    In International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Oct 2008.
  79. Detry-2007-RM-0.jpg
    Hierarchical Integration of Local 3D Features for Probabilistic Pose Recovery.
    Renaud Detry, and Justus H. Piater.
    In Robot Manipulation: Sensing and Adapting to the Real World (Workshop at Robotics, Science and Systems), Oct 2007.
  80. Master’s Thesis
    Learning Multidimensional Feature Hierarchies.
    Renaud Detry.
    University of Liège, Oct 2006.