►Nnuklei | Public namespace |
►Ndetail | |
Cshared_container_iterator_base | Used internally |
►Nfunc_implS | |
Capprox | |
Cexact | |
►NgroupS | |
Cr3 | |
Cs2 | |
Cs2p | |
Cso3 | |
►Nh_scaleS | |
Cdist | |
Cintrinsic | |
►Nkernel | Namespace containing kernel definitions |
►Cbase | Polymorphic kernel class |
CWeightAccessor | Weight accessor for kernel::base. The accessor is used internally. Normal Nuklei users will generally not need it |
Cimplementation_prototype | |
Cr3 | |
Cr3xs2_base | |
Cse3 | |
►NshapeS | |
Cbox | |
Cgauss | |
Ctriangle | |
►NsquaredS | |
Cno | |
Cyes | |
►Nvalue_scaleS | |
Cmax1 | |
Cnormalized | |
Cassoc_storage | |
CBadStrNumConversion | |
CBoxROI | |
CBuiltinVTKObservation | |
CBuiltinVTKReader | |
CColor | |
CColorDescriptor | |
CColorPairDescriptor | |
CCoViS3DObservation | |
CCoViS3DReader | |
CCoViS3DWandererReader | |
CCoViS3DXMLReader | |
CCoViS3DXMLWriter | |
CCrdObservation | |
CCrdReader | |
CCrdWriter | |
CCustomIntegrandFactor | Allows to use an external integrand factor, or test reachability |
Cdecoration | |
CDescriptor | |
Cdist | |
Cdist< groupS::r3, FunctionImpl, squaredS::no > | |
Cdist< groupS::r3, FunctionImpl, squaredS::yes > | |
Cdist< groupS::s2, func_implS::approx, squaredS::no > | |
Cdist< groupS::s2, func_implS::exact, squaredS::no > | |
Cdist< groupS::s2p, func_implS::approx, squaredS::no > | |
Cdist< groupS::s2p, func_implS::exact, squaredS::no > | |
Cdist< groupS::so3, func_implS::approx, squaredS::no > | |
Cdist< groupS::so3, func_implS::exact, squaredS::no > | |
CError | Nuklei-related errors |
►CFlexiblePoint | |
CAccessor | |
CConstruct_coord_iterator | |
CDistance | |
CGeometricDescriptor | |
CGraspDescriptor | |
CHSVColor | |
CHSVConeColor | |
CIisObservation | |
CIisReader | |
CIisWriter | |
CIndenter | |
CKernelCollection | This class acts as a vector-like container for kernels. It also provides methods related to kernel density estimation |
CKernelLogisticRegressor | Implements kernel logistic regression |
CKernelReader | |
CKernelWriter | |
CLog | |
CMatch | |
CMatchError | |
Cmember_clone_ptr | |
CNukleiObservation | |
CNukleiReader | |
CNukleiWriter | |
Cnullable | Obsolete – use boost::optional and boost::none instead |
CObservation | |
CObservationIOError | |
►CObservationReader | Base class for kernel reader and point reader classes |
CCounter | |
CObservationWriter | Base class for kernel writer and point writer classes |
COffObservation | |
COffReader | |
COffWriter | |
COsuTxtObservation | |
COsuTxtReader | |
►Cparallelizer | |
Cna_print_accessor | |
Cprint_accessor | |
CPCDObservation | |
CPCDReader | |
CPCDWriter | |
CPlaneDescriptor | |
CPlaneProjection | |
CPlotter | |
CPLYObservation | |
CPLYReader | |
CPLYWriter | |
CPoseEstimator | |
CProgressIndicator | |
CRandom | Implements random variate generators for various distributions |
Crandom_element | |
Crandom_element< groupS::s2 > | |
Crandom_element< groupS::s2p > | |
Crandom_element< groupS::so3 > | |
CRegionOfInterest | |
CRGBColor | |
CRIFObservation | |
CRIFReader | |
Csampler | |
Csampler< unnormalized_shape_dist_kernel< groupS::r3, Shape, FunctionImpl > > | |
Csampler< unnormalized_shape_dist_kernel< groupS::r3, shapeS::gauss, FunctionImpl > > | |
Csampler< unnormalized_shape_dist_kernel< groupS::s2, Shape, FunctionImpl > > | |
Csampler< unnormalized_shape_dist_kernel< groupS::s2p, Shape, FunctionImpl > > | |
Csampler< unnormalized_shape_dist_kernel< groupS::so3, Shape, FunctionImpl > > | |
Csampler< von_mises_fisher_kernel< Group, ValueScale, FunctionImpl, HScale > > | |
Csampler< watson_kernel< ValueScale, FunctionImpl > > | |
CSerial | |
CSerialError | |
CSerializedKernelObservation | |
Cshape_function | |
Cshape_function< shapeS::box, FunctionImpl, squaredS::no > | |
Cshape_function< shapeS::gauss, func_implS::approx, squaredS::no > | |
Cshape_function< shapeS::gauss, func_implS::exact, squaredS::no > | |
Cshape_function< shapeS::triangle, FunctionImpl, squaredS::no > | |
Cshape_function< shapeS::triangle, FunctionImpl, squaredS::yes > | |
Cshared_container_iterator | |
Csimple_map | |
CSphereROI | |
CStereoPlaneProjection | |
CStopwatch | |
CTwoFingerDescriptor | |
CTxtObservation | |
CTxtReader | |
CTxtWriter | |
Cundefined | |
Cunnormalized_shape_dist_kernel | |
Cunnormalized_shape_dist_kernel< groupS::r3, shapeS::triangle, FunctionImpl > | |
CVerificationFailure | |
CVisualDescriptor | |
Cvon_mises_fisher_kernel | |
Cwatson_kernel | |