
My research group studies robot learning and computer vision.

If first html tag is indented, and this include is called after a list, the html tag is considered a list element, and things go wrong. Leaving a hidden unindented line here

My research group studies robot learning and computer vision.

If first html tag is indented, and this include is called after a list, the html tag is considered a list element, and things go wrong. Leaving a hidden unindented line here

Research Interests

My core research interest is in adaptive robotics, with a special interest in space applications. I develop robotic systems that cope with the complexity of our world by using cameras and other sensors to observe and parse their surroundings and learn to adjust their behavior accordingly. My research aims to bring autonomous robotic assistance to sectors where working conditions are dangerous or impractical for humans. This includes space robotics and planetary exploration, robotic assistance for people suffering from limited mobility, as well as manufacturing, construction, or agriculture. My work is at the intersection of robotics and machine learning, which is reflected in my dual appointment within KU Leuven’s departments of electrical and mechanical engineering.

My work focuses on casting robotics problems to a form that is catalytic to data-driven modeling. Much of the creativity involved here goes into crafting [show more]

Keywords: Robotics, computer vision, robot learning, space robotics.


Ph.D. Students

Current students:

Past students:


My group’s software is available on our GitLab portal. Older software from my Ph.D. and postdoc is freely available on this page.


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